Thriving in Adversity: Giving In without Giving Up
“Mental health is something that we all need to talk about, and we need to take the stigma away from it. So let’s raise the awareness. Let’s let everybody know it’s OK to have a mental illness and addiction problem.” — Demi Lovato
Mental health is evenly as crucial as physical health. Although we often can’t see it with your bare eyes, a mental health problem can cause serious damage to a person’s life and well-being. The World Health Organization estimates that close to 20%, or one in five students, are actively dealing with a mental health issue. So to spread more mental health awareness among the students, the KIIT School of Commerce and Economics of KIIT-DU, organized a webinar on the topic “Mental Health of Students during Covid-19” on 20th May 2021. The webinar aimed to encourage and motivate students to cope with the mental illness and mental stigma during this tough Covid-19 scenario.
Dr. Shubhangi Goswami, Clinical Psychologist and Senior Research Fellow at IIT Kharagpur, graced the webinar as the Keynote Speaker. Dr. Goswami emphasis on how can students calculate their mental health status through a questionnaire. She also focused on explaining how the various physical, psychological, social and economical resources available with human being can be utilized to improve mental health problems. She advised about some metal health exercise and real life solution to come out of mental stigma and live a happy life.
Prof. Jayanta Kumar Parida, Director School of Commerce & Economics, KIIT-DU vividly spoke about the importance of mental fitness and mental well-being to face this Covid-19 challenges. By sharing his real life experience, he motivated and encouraged students to lead a happy and stress free life.
The webinar ends with an engaging Q&A session where Dr. Goswami answered various mental health problems faced by students and give various tips to solve those challenges. On behalf of the entire KSCE family, the vote of thanks was proposed by Prof. Jayanta Kumar Parida, Director KIIT School of Commerce and Economics, KITT-DU.
Faculty Members, Staffs and students from different schools of KIIT and outside KIIT had participated in huge number in the Webinar and availed the benefit of learning a lot about mental health issues and how to solve these.