In a globalized world with preponderance of knowledge-based economies, the role of research and innovation is the true precursor of primacy in academic institutions. Since knowledge has become the primary wealth creator, the quality of research and its transformation into societal application is recognized as one of the primary functions of Academic Institutions. Moreover, Research and Innovation, being experiential in nature, has been proven to enrich the quality of teaching and learning in the classroom as well. However, barring few prestigious institutes, most of the institutions display a dismal picture in terms of quality and quantity of research activities in a country like India. Many institutes neither have mandatory research goals for individual faculties, nor do they have adequate ambience or infrastructure for quality research. The lack of an encouraging academic environment; ill-equipped libraries, labs, and equipment; dearth of requisite fund; inadequate human resources, etc, are some of the contributing factors to this gloomy picture of research in Indian academic institutions.
KIIT School of Social, Financial & Human Sciences (KSFH) an infant school under KIIT (DU) is a centre of attraction for business fraternity from India and abroad because of its state-of-the-art physical, intellectual, logical, and digital infrastructures. The par at excellence qualified, experienced, and talented brains of KSFH are instrumental in this regard. To take the school to a further new height at national and international levels, committed research and teaching excellence is thought to be pertinent for having an inbuilt research mechanism of its own. With this backdrop, the KIIT School of Social, Financial & Human Sciences (KSFH), KIIT conceived the idea of institutionalizing an International Centre for Business Research and Innovation (ICBRI).